Money can be a difficult subject to discuss, and making decisions regarding how to invest or save that money can be even more challenging. Luckily there are experts out there in the form of certified financial advisors whose job it is to help you manage your wealth.
There is often a stigma that hiring a financial advisor is only reserved for those with a large amount of money. We want to let Cape Cod residents know that this is not the case! Financial management is for everyone no matter what your income may be.
If you're considering financial advice or wealth management services on Cape Cod, here are just a few reasons to pick up the phone and at least schedule a consultation.
Reasons to Hire a Financial Advisor
First, financial advisors have an extensive experience in the finanial industry. We can help you navigate through complicated money matters such as investments and retirement planning, choosing a 401k, charitable giving, and business planning (for those who own companies in the area).
Wealth managment firms are also affiliated with multiple, if not dozens, of nation-wide investment companies. For instance, Cape Cod Wealth Strategies & Insurance Services, LLC is associated with American Portfolios, Vanguard, New York Life, Fidelity, Oppenheimer, and Morgan Stanley. These affiliations allow you to pick and choose where your investments are housed and each offer a wide variety of investment benefits.
Financial advisors also have tried and proven financial strategies from which to build your personal portfolio from. Using the latest industry technology, Cape Cod Wealth Strategies & Insurance Services, LLC is able to hand craft your investment and retirement strategy so that it works with your long-term goals and current income. Finding a financial advisor that understands finances are never static is half the battle, which is why we review your portfolio with you on a routine basis to make sure it lines up with your current goals.
Lastly, hiring a financial advisor will save you time. Sure, there are self-help books out there about how to invest your money, but with a professional you can rest assured that it is being done properly and efficiently. Our Cape Cod wealth management team will help you diversify your stocks, get you ready for retirement with IRAs and 401k accounts, as well as help ensure your children are well supported through colllege. The best part about it is you can be as hands-on or hands-off as you want and you can let us do the rest.
To learn more about how a financial advisor can help you grow your investments, contact our professionals today at (508) 776-1168 or schedule an in-office consultation.